There is a misconception among some young people that medications are safe to use without a prescription
Kids may have easy access to prescription or over-the-counter medications in their own homes that could pose a serious risk to their health.
Why this is so important:
- In 2022, youth were more likely to report using pharmaceuticals and medications to get high than illegal drugs. Source: CSTADS 2022
- 42% of post-secondary students who use opioids non-medically do so to help with sleep. Source: CPADS 2024
- Youth who reported fair or poor mental health were twice as likely to report using pharmaceuticals (11% vs 5%) and OTC medications (14% vs 7%) as those who reported excellent, very good or good mental health. Source: CSTADS 2022
- 4-6% of high school students reported using sleeping medicines, DXM (Dextromethorphan), or Gravol® to get high in 2022. Source: CSTADS 2022
- Two-thirds of post-secondary students who used sedatives non-medically did so to get high. Source: CPADS 2024
- 27% of high school students reported that it would be fairly easy or very easy to obtain prescription pain relievers, an increase from 23% in 2018-2019. Source: CSTADS 2022
- 32% of students felt the same about the ease of getting ADHD medication, an increase from 27%. Source: CSTADS 2022
Over-the-counter (OTC) medications can also be used to get high
In many parts of the country, teens can easily buy OTC cough and cold remedies at any drugstore, supermarket, or convenience store where these products are sold. They can also get them from home, or order them online, where they also can find information and videos on what drugs to try and mix together.
Medications that contain the active ingredient dextromethorphan (DXM) can produce a “high” feeling and can be extremely dangerous in excessive amounts.
Laxatives, diuretics, and diet pills are also used without a medical reason in order to achieve an idealized weight. Young people may start taking just a few diet pills which can develop into dependence. Herbal weight loss products can be just as dangerous as diet pills. All of these substances act as stimulants to the central nervous system and much like speed can have serious side effects.
Before you or anyone in your family takes any OTC medication, carefully read the label, and/or consult with your family physician or local pharmacist.
Did you know?
85% of households do not keep medications locked away, giving kids easy access and posing serious risks to their health. While 71% of parents know they can take medications back to their pharmacies, only 45% actually do.
Do you or someone in your family need to take a medical prescription? Here are some easy ways to keep your medications safe:
- Learn more about common prescription and over-the-counter medications and their effects. Becoming familiar with the types of medications that are most frequently prescribed will help you identify the ones that pose a potential risk of being used improperly.
- Secure all prescription and over the counter medications in their homes.
- Model positive coping strategies in times of anxiety or stress.
- Talk openly with their kids about the health risks of taking any form of medication without a prescription that is intended for them and prescribed by a health care provider.
- Unused and expired medications can easily be returned to any local pharmacy at any time of the year to ensure they are not misused or that they don’t contaminate the environment.
DFKC’s annual National Drug Drop-off Campaign
Our annual National Drug Drop-off campaign during the month of August focuses on the importance of using prescription and OTC medications only for their intended purpose, safe storage of all medicine and the return of expired and unused medications to the pharmacy for proper disposal.
Join us in making homes safer by ensuring that all prescription and over the counter medications and natural health products are safely stored. We encourage all parents and guardians to actively participate in the medication drop-off campaign by returning any used and expired medications to their local pharmacies.
Together, we can protect our youth, our communities and our environment.
Talk with your kids about the importance of using medications only as prescribed

Ready to begin that conversation? Here are a few tips that might help you:
Use open-ended questions – They can help start a dialogue and avoid a lecture. For example; “What do you think motivates kids to take prescription pills recreationally?”
Use Active Listening – Be curious as to what your teen or young adult has to say about substance use. “What have you heard about using cough syrup to get high?” Reflect back on what you hear – Let your child know you heard what was said. For example: “It seems like you’re concerned that some kids you know are taking pain pills.” Reflections do not mean that you necessarily agree, but that you understand what your child is trying to convey.
Choose a good time and place – Look for opportunities to talk when both you and your child are most receptive. Occasions when you are doing something together, like taking a walk, going for a drive, or working on chores are often good times for conversations.
Give them the information – Explain how taking anyone else’s medications can be dangerous. Ask your child if they are aware of the consequences of experimenting with opioids, and explain the risks to them. Talk about the effects drug use can have on their mental and physical health.
Talk about their future plans – Encourage your child to think about what they want for their future, and help them understand the benefits of making healthy choices.
Offer empathy and support – Let your child know you understand the teen years can be tough. Acknowledge that everyone struggles sometimes, and it may be tempting to use substances as a way to cope with problems. Talk about the importance of finding healthy coping strategies and offer to explore those alternatives together.
Above all, always come from a place of love – Remind your children that you are always there to guide and support them and that it’s important to you that they are healthy, happy, and making safe choices for themselves.
Let’s drop the stigma
Check your tone when you talk about substance use – do you sound judgmental?
Using condescending or disparaging language can be counterproductive, and can have an extremely negative and demoralizing impact on:
- people with mental health issues,
- people with chronic diseases or disabilites who need to take medications,
- people who problematically use opioids or other substances,
- people with substance use disorders,
- people who are in treatment or recovery, as well as their families.
This negative stigma often leads people to feel shame, isolation and use drugs on their own, which can, in turn, lead to accidentally overdosing and dying alone.
ANYONE who uses drugs can be at risk of an accidental overdose, including those who:
- Are already struggling with problematic substance use
- Use drugs occasionally in a recreational context
- Are trying a street drug for the first time
- Are not strictly following their health care professional’s instructions
Opening the conversation with your family about stigma and its negative effects on people will engage all of us, adults and youth, to think about how we treat others who may be suffering and encourage people to get the help they need.